Friday, May 15, 2009

Ichiban: Yakitori Restaurant in Kanazawa

Thanks to Dustin and the rest of my Japanese class I’m now sampling the delightful (and somewhat hidden) izakayas (small cheap Japanese eatieries) near Rifare and Kanazawa train station. After Japanese class last night we all ventured off to another izikaya in the area, the place is called Ichiban (meaning: first) For exact location see below. This place has a fantastic atmosphere, tiny inside (aren't they all?!), low lighting and an open kitchen where the sizzling cooking of meat on the charcoal grill just draws you in.
Yakitori, for those not sure, is basically bite sized pieces of meat skewered on a bamboo skewer and barbecued. The food is usually cheap and cheerful.

At Ichiban the yakitori sticks ranged from Y150 to Y350 (around £1 to £2.50). The menu was certainly interesting serving chicken instestines on a stick to sparrow, yes SPARROW the bird, chicken cartlige and chicken heart.

I played safe and chose a steak and a chicken skewer which were oishie desu (meaning delicious, that's all the Japanese seem to sy over meal times, oishie desu!)

Some of my Japanese class below at Ichiban.

Location of Ichiban is here

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